Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Elmo Wants To Know-"What Happened To Your Tip?"

Yeah, me too Elmo! All I really know is that, I'm not an armourer...yet!

I was trying to rewire my epee blade. I  broke the wire earlier by not being patient. Epee and patience...Hmmmm! I think there's a relationship....

Anyway, the day before my last tournament, I was having equipment issues. I wound up having to attempt to re-wire my brand new epee blade.

What happened? In trying to cut the tang, I broke the wire....UG! 

Well, I took the weapon apart and was pretty proud of myself for having a pipe and some acetone to soak the blade in and remove the glue. Unfortunately, I left the blade in too long with tip attached...the washer in the tip dissolved.

Can you see that? Who does that? Me that's who! Well, luckily my club has a couple of decent armourers. I will pay someone and then go back to the drawing board when I have some free time... Yeah.....well probably not anytime soon.....

I have a NAC to get ready for. Later!

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